Sunday, April 15, 2012

4/15 Visit

Today it was just Gary and I who went to see Dad. Garrett wasn't feeling well so he stayed home. I am sure he will go next week. When we got there Dad was in the dining room having lunch and when he saw me he got all excited and hugged me and said "I thought you would never get here!" I love that he is so happy to see me but I feel so bad that I can't be there more often.

Anyway, he was finished with his lunch so Gary and I wheeled him outside. I noticed that he hadn't eaten much of his lunch so I went to his room to get him some peaches and oranges to eat (and his polygrip since his teeth were flapping in the breeze and then we headed outside to the courtyard. He loves being outside and today was no different. I played him some George Jones and Tammy Wynette and some Loretta Lynn from Pandora. He would listen and say "Ohhh that's a good one!" Then George Jones' song "He Stopped Loving Her Today" came on and he said "Oh I know this one,  I really like this one!" and when it got to the chorus where it says "He stopped loving her today, they placed a wreath upon his door, and soon the'll carry him away, he stopped loving her today" all of a sudden Dad started crying and he said "Yes I remember this one, its a sad one" I turned it off really quickly and he said "No I want to hear" so I turned it back on and he listened to the chorus nodding his head to the music and crying. Then he said "men don't cry but I did when she died" I knew he was talking about my mom, I said "Yeah I know I cried too when my mom died" Then another song came on and he was fine.  While we were outside he was comparing our legs, mine, his, and Gary's he told me that him and I have sexy legs but Gary's were too hairy so he had to go LOL. One of the coolest parts of the time in the courtyard was when an army caravan  went past us, heading to the armory a few blocks away. Dad was so excited and he was waving his hat at them.  A couple of the guys waved back. I couldn't get my camera on fast enough to get a picture but it was really cool.

Below are some pictures from outside

After we sat outside for a while it was getting hot so we decided to go in and get a drink and a snack then move to the front where there is more shade. So we went in and got a soda and dad wanted some chocolate so we got him a Three Musketeers bar and he ate almost the entire thing! We sat out front for a while soaking up the sun :-) After that we went inside to the dining room to visit in the cool and we got there just in time for "Duster Ball" so dad played his first game of "Duster Ball" He was a little confused at first but then he started to get the hang of it and he was laughing and having fun! It was hard to leave him but when we left he was having dinner so he would have been getting ready for bed soon. I won't be able to see him again until next weekend, which is gonna be tough on me but Perry will be seeing him in the meantime.

 Below are some more pictures:

Duster Ball was in full swing!

Duster Ball Champ!!

Duster Ball takes a lot out of a person LOL

Check out my Facebook page for a video of him playing the game. 


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