Saturday, April 14, 2012

4/14/12 Visit

Ashley drove up from PSL today so her and I went to visit Dad. We had a really good visit. Kathy, Stan, and James were there also and Perry and Terry showed up. We took him outside to the courtyard, he loves being outside. He told James all about how he chased Hitler right out of Germany. Then he told James "When I get out of here I'm buying a new car but not an old clunker" I asked him if he remembered riding in my car and he said "What kind of car do you have?" I told him I have a Hyundai and he said "Oh YEAH! I'm getting a Hyundai!" I thought my sister was going to pee her pants from laughing - Never thought we would hear dad say he was gonna buy a Hyundai LOL Later he asked Stan for a beer and Stan asked him if he wanted a Bud and Dad said yes, Stan figured if I could sell him a Hyundai he could get him to drink Bud instead of Busch LOL 

I am pleased with the nursing home that dad is in for his rehab. I liked the other place but this one seems even better. They don't just put him in his wheelchair and set him a lobby to stare at everyone else, they actually include him in activities. When Perry went to see him the other day he said he was participating in "Casino Night" the lady next to him was stealing his chips and when Perry told him about it Dad replied "Maybe she wants to be my girlfriend" LOL Always on the lookout LOL. When Kathy got there this morning to see him she said he was in the recreation/dining room watching a movie with several other residents and when she was leaving today the recreation director saw that she was leaving and said "Why don't we see if Tom wants to join us and wheeled him over to join the group of people playing a card game. They seem to really try to include the patients instead of sitting them in a common area and letting them fend for themselves for entertainment. I am a little concerned because he's not eating like he used to. For lunch today he only at a bowl of applesauce and a cup of mandarin oranges. He didn't even touch the rest of his food, although they have him on a "mechanically altered" diet which we have referred to as his ABC (Already Been Chewed) diet because almost everything is mushed, even his bread - which I can't say as I blame him for not eating it - it looked gross! Part of his lunch was ABC Ham and Dad loves ham so I said "Oh Dad, here is some ham for you" and gave him a bite of it, he chewed it and made a face and said "That's not ham" LOL Perry is going to speak to them on Monday about getting him back on a regular diet of food that has not been shredded, blended or previously chewed LOL

All in all it was a good visit. It is always hard to leave especially when you tell him you have to go and he says "Well what am I supposed to do? Just sit here?" but he is in a good place and they are taking care of him. Below are some pictures from our day together:

Grandad with his 2nd oldest grandson (James - Kathy's son) and his youngest granddaughter (Ashley - My daughter)

We're having fun now!!!!

James and Grandad talking

Ashley and Grandad

A rare picture of him with his hat off

Giving Ashley some kisses

No kisses for James, but a high five works just as well

James brought him an Army shirt to match his Army hat and he had to put it on

Helping Grandad put his Army shirt on

Go Army! Hitler better watch out!! LOL

Putting the jacket back on

Taking a walk with James

My sweet Daddy

Me, Dad and Ashley

Getting kisses!

More kisses on the way!

The fact that every single table in the dining/recreation hall had a vase of yellow roses on it gave me chills but also a little comfort - I know my family understands this

Hanging out with Kathy

My sweet daddy

Kathy's hands were warm and his were cold so he was warming up and she was cooling down LOL


Anonymous said...

oh I love this.... and he yellow roses!! yes!!

Kathy Pierce-Birthisel said...

It WAS a good day. :) Thank you for posting this blog Cindy, we are going through a tough time right now, and reading this along the way will help us to find the humor in the situations, and receive the comfort from the memories of the time with him.

Anonymous said...

Or how about the Orange Crush of MINE that you and Mom gave to him!! huh! LOL! Or my favorite, the second one I got and he went to steal it but I looked at him and he knew I caught him so he put it down! That was to dang funny! Oh and BTW he did remember the "SHUT THE GD DOOR!" on his own, I was talking about the things you made sure you didn't do when at Grandpas house, one get out of his chair when he got home, and "Shut the damn door!" and he yelled out the "real" way he used to say it!! GOD I LOVE THAT MAN!!!

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