Saturday, May 12, 2012

5/10 Moving Day and 5/11 Visit

Well Dad is all settled into his new "home." Yesterday was moving day. He wasn't really sure what was going on but was glad to be riding in my car. He told me I was a really good driver :-) The staff at Bayview was very sad to see him go, they just loved him. They said he was their favorite patient because he was always so happy. His CNA's were all hugging on him and telling him they would miss him.

Saying good-bye to his CNA's they were loving on him and he was just as happy as could be. 
 When we got to his new place in Winter Park they wheeled him into his room and the curtains were opened and he wheeled himself over in front of the window and just sat there and stared out the window for a while - he really likes the view out his window

This is the view from his room - he likes the outdoors so he just sat and stared out the window for a while

Supper time at his new home

His blanket had to go on his bed first thing

Today Kathy, her daughter Jillian, and Jillian's daughter Tristany came from Gainesville to see Dad and they brought him all sorts of presents. He was being spoiled rotten :-)  Right next to his facility is a yummy diner so we signed him out and took him out to lunch. He had already earn his lunch at the facility so we just ordered him some french fries and a Coke, as soon as they set my plate down he was reaching for my ham sandwich LOL Then later he was reaching over and taking french fries off Kathy's plate as well. He is always so happy to have visitors and I am so glad that he is close enough to me now that I can go see him every day.

A few weeks ago I was visiting Dad on a Friday and we called Kathy and she told him she was coming to visit him the next day and she asked him what he wanted her to bring him and he told her he wanted a chocolate bar, a Pepsi, and Chevy! ROFLOL Kathy said she would definitely get him the chocolate bar and the Pepsi but the Chevy might take a little while. He told her that he would ask for a Cadillac but that would be too much LOL LOL So dad is obsessed with Chevy's (which he now pronounces as "shivy") and today Kathy made good on her promise to bring him his "Shivy" LOL She brought him a toy Chevy that has doors, hood, and trunk that all open. He LOVED it. He closed all the doors and the trunk and the hood and then Jillian opened them all back up again and he looked at it and said "Now its all torn apart!" and he had to close all the doors, trunk, and hood again. He absolutely loved his Chevy:
Chekin' out his new Chevy

Dad's Chevy

Jillian's daughter's made him another Army blanket. This one is small enough he can have it over his lap - He keeps his big one, that he thinks Bobby and Garrett made him, on his bed. So now he has that the boys made and one the girls made (except the boys didn't make one LOL)

His great grand-daughter Tristany, he was telling her how pretty she was and
not to worry her hair would grow back really fast LOL

Holding TT's hand :-) His Great-Grandchildren call him "Great" 

He was putting his blanket all up on his shoulder LOL 

He just LOVES his Chevy!

Checking out the engine

Tristany brought him an Army cup. After she gave it to him we sat it on the table,
a few minutes later he looked at it and said it was really nice and then he said "I'm gonna get me one of those"
LOL we told him that one WAS his that he already had one

Tristany gave "Great" a flower :-)

Holding his flower and taking in all his visitors

Still got a hold on that Chevy

The Chevy was still in his hands while he was eating his lunch

"That's a nice machine" 

Heading back from Johnny's Diner after having some lunch for the rest of us - and another round for Dad

My baby boy Garrett and his "Favorite Aunt Kathy"
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, it is always a very difficult day for me and this year it seems even tougher with Dad's situation, I will be going to see him tomorrow and he will be a part of my family's celebration, I can't think of a better way to honor my mother than to spend the day with the man she loved more than anything.


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